Hi, my name is Sinja Anna
and I am the founder of The Amaram Café.

In 2016
my research in the field of meditation
brought me to India.
This is where I met a knowledge
that profoundly changed my understanding of reality.
Ever since I witnessed how
immensely expanded our vision can be,
I have been inspired to find ways
to share both the practice of meditation
and the inquiry into the true essence of life.

After my second visit to India
I had the opportunity to speak at a TEDx event about what it was that I had been so inspired by.
For the first time I could share publicly
what I had been pondering and observing ~ and the response was amazing! I saw how great the interest in meditation was and how open people were to questioning and reevaluating the paradigms that we have learned to accept in our modern world.
Over the last 5 years
I have been spending a lot of time in India
studying the functioning of the mind
and the nature of pure consciousness.
Talking to hundreds of openhearted,
open-minded people, I have been blessed to share
in the beauty and delight that is
the true essence and purpose of this life.

Spending most of this year in lock-down and isolation, the wish to share the freedom and joy
that comes with being able to see beyond
the mind's limited reality
has been growing in my heart.
With lots of time and inspiration on my hands
and my laptop in my lap, I decided to honor
this time of change and turmoil
as the great revelation that it can be, and so...
The Amaram Café was born!
A space of absolute freedom & love,
of recognizing and realizing
knowledge in its purest form.